Monday, October 26, 2009

Female Horse Genitalia Gallery

Soap Bath Salts - Bath Salts

Now that winter is approaching and they'd rather the warm and relaxing baths better than a good bath salts. Bath salts are easy to make and if you put in a nice package or a glass bottle are the perfect gift for Christmas. You just need to make salt, dyes that we use to make soap or essential oils or food and cosmetic fragrances. In a glass bowl you put the salt and you add a bit of dye, which mix their very good and then you add essential oil or fragrance your favorite cosmetic, This mix their all well and what you can pack to your liking. These bath salts are the most basic, but you can add many things to make them more interesting, such as sodium bicarbonate and citric acid to be vibrant as bath bombs, epsom salts relax muscles and eliminate toxins, milk goat's milk, yogurt powder, honey powder, aloe vera powder ..... in short, anything you can think of and can benefit the skin. If they get too wet you can add a little bit of tapioca powder.
To l @ s you have not yet encouraged making soap because you find it difficult, because you have no excuse, bath salts are really easy, so I encourage you to them and tell me as I go. Kisses for everyone s .

Now That the winter is Almost Here we start feeling like a nice, hot, relaxing bath and What It That best for a good handful of bath salts. Are bath salts really easy to make and if you put Them in a nice package or a glass bottle They Are the perfect present for Christmas. To Make Them you just need some coarse salt, soap colorants and Some essential oils or cosmetic fragances. Place the salt in a crystal bowl and add a very small Amount of colorant (Either liquid or in powder) and dry thoroughly mix, Then add your essential oils or fragances and the salts are ready to package. This recipe is for the most basic bath salts but you can add many other ingredients to make them more interesting. Try experimenting with sodium bicarbonate and citric acid to add fizz to the salts, or adding, goat's milk powder, powdered yoghurt, powdered aloe vera, epsom salts ... anything that you can think of and that's beneficial for your skin. If they get too wet you can add a little bit of tapioca starch to make them dryer.
For those of you who still have not tried making soap because you find it difficult, this is a very easy project to start with. Give it a try and let me know how it turns out.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Adult Skeleton Pattern Pyjamas

Plagiarism - The blog to the newspaper without noticing ...

One common thing is to have been the victim of theft at least once in their life, it seems inevitable to find someone who thinks that taking the alien is the best option, the worst of these is when the thief in question does not even need to carry out the robbery, that is only doing it for shit and he knows that is unlikely to be charged.

There are many examples, one of them is the poster that showed recently on Son Gohan and drink Big Citrus is an everyday it seems, but there are times when it is not so easy identify theft, in fact you could say that only the victim and a few others can identify plagiarism .

"Look at this picture is not pretty picture?

Rainy City by ~ donjardon on deviant ART

Now look at this one, something more futuristic.

: Fantasy City:: by ~ UAE-Designer on deviant ART look

Finally this third illustration is the combination of the above applied to advertising Ipod, but in fact it is a project that generates no more problem.

iphone by ~ Hallaserke on deviant ART

The problem comes here:

And as I said, all past us one way or another. Seeing these images came to my mind when I posted a new blog poster I did for school a few months later a surprise! Total plagiarism, here the evidence.

And with you billboard ESPN for Champions League

At least I think that if designers ESPN stolen was because they found attractive and interesting image ... that gave them lazy or find another. In short, these things happen.

Tall7.2 Data To Tally 9

Coconut Cream Soap - Coconut Soap Cream Soap

A that makes you want to eat!? I love how soft these soaps are very creamy because instead of water coconut cream. If you want to try to choose your favorite recipe and instead of water the recipe for coconut cream or coconut milk you can find in most large supermarkets. What you have to do is to freeze the coconut cream and diced in making soap, mix the frozen with soda and then just proceed as usual. You can also do the same with milk, goat milk soaps are wonderful. Try and tell me. Happy weekend!
By popular request I update to give you the recipe for the cupcakes:
800 gr Aceite de Oliva
150 gr Manteca de Karité
50 gr Aceite de Ricino
225 gr leche de coco
122 gr de sosa
Vitamina E

Don't you feel like eating them !? I love how creamy these soaps have come out, they are very misturising because I used coconut cream instead of water. If you would like to try yourself you just have to choose your favorite recipe and use either coconut cream or coconut milk instead of water. What you have to do is to freeze the coconut milk and when you are ready to make the soap , just mix the frozen coconut milk with the lye until it disolves, then you just proceed as always. You can also try with milk, goat's milk soaps are really wonderfull. Give it a try and let me know if you like it. Have a great weekend!
Due to popular demand
I update to include the recipe: 800 gr
Olive Oil 150 gr 50 gr Sheabutter
Castor Oil Coconut Milk 225 gr 122 gr lye
Vitamin E

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can I Save A Woolen Jumper That I Shrank

Twitter. Speaking of the magpie

Twitter Noise by * Quasimanga on deviant ART

Twitter is an internet service that catches my attention many things, my main surprise in this service lies in how versatile it can be, thanks to the simplicity of its use, small and large messages ability to exchange information directly and in real time with an audience (which in most cases) is adapted to our own profile of interests facitilando and find people that can nourish our involvement with a comment and / or relaying our message.

There are many more things and observation points, however I will focus only on the point just mentioned.

a couple of weeks ago, after exploring other aspects of Twitter , decided to go into one of the most complicated areas of the world consider Twitter is, direct coexistence with hundreds of people at once .

The sample is based on the list released ALT1040 about What s 100 Twitter users who write in English you should follow
more my personal contacts, giving a total of 116 people to giving up. This list was particularly convenient since most people who compose it fits my profile of interests, ie, there journalists, editors , people specializing in internet of different areas, geeks in droves and lovers blogs and Twitter , ie a public which would be easy to live.

For this test devoted full time to review every message posted to my new contacts, it was obviously a difficult and cumbersome, that is, on average reached 10 to 20 messages each 5 minutes, apparently not much, but if we consider the review of the links and the constant exchange of comments among users in time becomes the greatest enemy, that is, there are times it is simply impossible to know what it talking, first by the large number of simultaneous messages from different people, secondly because they do not have a direct relationship with other contacts about the information received run in all directions, ie at a time when we are talking about design, the other comics , seconds after Obama and later Twitts games, finance, policy and a thousand other things. Although, of course, I speak in the best because I am omitting the huge number of messages that do not lead anywhere and nobody cares more than your own user who issued it, ie Twitter becomes a tool not only distribution of information, not limited to use as conversación, también se muestra como una micro bitácora (de allí lo de microblogging o nanobloging ) o una herramienta autorreferente, como un sistema que no se nutre únicamente de la convivencia con los otros usuarios, sino que también se alimenta de la información del usuario para sí mismo, es decir, el sistema se alimenta a sí mismo a la vez que alimenta a sus partes.

Después de un par de días de convivencia con mis nuevos contactos me di cuenta de que comenzaban a llegar montones de seguidores nuevos, en principio eran los mismos que se habían agregado, es decir, muchas personas to which I gave up also gave it to me, but otherwise total strangers came, some spammers and others who were legitimate users I guess came from the blog or from some reference made to me, I had certainty that, though I realized long after the existence of other pages linking Twitter creating a whole range of possibilities to find people with specific profiles, blogs tools, content filtering services ( receivers to specify whether certain groups or interest groups), Twitter from the desktop or browser Internet advertising platform for business and much more, you can review a lot of these tools in list of 90 essential applications for Twitter Smashing Magazine.

The existence of services that complement the use of another service Twitter make something interesting to analyze, that is, they are creating tools that are not aimed at simplifying the use of Twitter , it is rather the creation of service tools that specialize in specific points to the amount necessary consequence Twitter possibilities offered in its natural form implicitly.

Returning to the original point, after starting to live with my fans Twiter community increased so I decided to stop my participation for the sample as not to unbalance sure to find interesting people who follow and that would further complicate the task.

Now the task was a spectator rather than participant, guess I got to make me see the potential of Twitter while the disadvantages and is unmasked problems of this tool.

  1. Twitter is a highly dynamic its potential for trade the socialization and research (I would say also that the education , but that one issue still too early) makes it valuable to network users.
  2. Twitts
    The more you generate more chances of having fallowers, but that does not mean you're a popular person in the network means that you are giving enough information to be indexed and can be suggested as a contact for specific audiences (read this as a consumer sectors), obviously this applies to people search tools. For other hand, if your posts are interesting not only reach people, but it really will read and comment on you, ultimately that's what really makes your popularity.
  3. plunge into Twitter (ie, become a follower of hundreds of people / services / businesses) has the great advantage that if you have a number of contacts always have fresh information, this is bad that many of the information may not interest you much, not to mention that most likely will have to discriminate so much information that will be difficult to separate the interests of you who do not.
  4. If
  5. have the necessary contacts and good organization Twitter can be a tool to increase your productivity , but has the quality to be highly addictive, which sends all foundered.
  6. The idea of \u200b\u200bsharing information, networking is as old as ARPANET (actually even older) has achieved Twitter enhance services like Digg , StumbleUpon, Newsvine , Delicious , among others, however this does not give the advantage to Twitter because it is missing a very simple thing: organization.
  7. Know the content as mentioned in Twitter seems something very important, but knowing what they are talking on the net says market data, concepts counterparts in large sectors of the population and (in a very small sample ) trends of what the consumer wants.
  8. say "how to use Twitter is difficult, to explain how it works basically, but the definition of what use is still vague, the possibilities are many and most of them are viable.


I will continue writing about this in the future, as I speak my mind to cut some heads because this experiment is over and with it ended also a lot of contacts that just do not come on my profile using Twitter (especially lovers of "going for coffee," I'm bored "," I hurt something, "" I do not know what to do, "etc.).

I welcome your comments and if they like to follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Olivetti Prt 100 Setup

energizing - Energising

Today I have for vosotr @ s a soap that I made before summer but I still have not tried. It is a mint and geranium soap with a little lemongrass and although an unusual mix I like it because is very energizing . Recipe is very simple and very emollient, has just olive oil, coconut and avocado.

Here you have the recipe if you fancy it.

Olive Oil 540 gr
Coconut Oil 160 gr
Avocado Oil 100 gr
Sosa 106 gr Water
248 gr

You can add essential or fragrance oil to taste, but remember to deduct the amount añadáis the amount of water in the recipe. I say this because I always keep my recipes with the amounts not including essential oils and then add it to times when I forget to water discounting, in fact today I corrected some of the recipes from the blog because I had happened, and although soap can be either, depending on the oils, sometimes a difference of 30 or 40 gr can make the soap is a bit softer.
Well, no more for today, I wish you a happy long weekend for those who live in Spain and for others a very good weekend.

Today i have for you That I made a soap summer Before But I Still Have not tried. It is a peppermint and geranium soap with a pinch of lemongrass and although the scent is unusual remove I like it Because it is very energizing. It is a very simple recipe and very emollient. I leave it here for you just in case you want to try it:

Olive oil Coconut Oil 540 gr 160 gr 100 gr

Avocado Oil Lye 106 gr
Water 248 gr

You can add any fragance or essential oil that you like, but remember to discount the quantity that you add from the total amount of water in the recipe. I tell you this, because I normally writte down my recipes without essential oils and sometimes when I add the fragance I forget to discount it from the water and depending on the oils and quanty you are using, it could mean that the resulting soap is softer than it should.
Well, that's it for today, I wish you all a great weekend.