Saturday, March 5, 2011

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WATER: non-renewable resource?

We traveled the end of a summer where the pressure comes back on appeal los problemas a enfrentar a corto plazo. Muchas de nuestras localidades tuvieron inconvenientes sobre la disponibilidad de agua para consumo humano. Empecemos a comprender de qué hablamos cuando nos referimos al agua…
El agua dulce es un recurso finito, vital para el ser humano y esencial para el desarrollo social y económico. Sin embargo, a pesar de su importancia evidente para la vida del hombre, recién en las últimas décadas se empezó a tomar conciencia pública de su escasez y el riesgo cierto de una disminución global de las fuentes de agua dulce.
La superficie de agua sobre el planeta supera abundantly to the mainland and more than 70% are seas and oceans, but this wealth is relative. 97.5% of total on the planet is salt water, while only 2.5% is fresh water.
the total percentage of fresh water almost 79% are in the form of permanent ice in the polar ice caps and glaciers, therefore not available for use. Fresh water in liquid, 20% are located in inaccessible aquifers by the depth at which they are (some cases exceed 2,000 meters under sea level). Only 1% is fresh surface water easily accessible. This represents 0.025% of water on Earth.
The renewal of fresh water sources depends on the process of evaporation and precipitation. 80% of global evaporation depends on the oceans and only 20% of precipitation over land end, feeding lakes, rivers and shallow ground water, where renewal is given by injection (1). While the volume of water has not changed in the last 30 thousand years, these resources are not inexhaustible, and who have suffered a significant deterioration in quality due to population growth and related activities.
lot of water on the planet is far from the cities, therefore, not all water is immediately usable. In addition to the rapid population growth, water potentially available for growth of the population of the earth decreased significantly in recent years and we check to diario.Se estimated that by 2025 at least three billion people could be short water worldwide.
Mind water, we can only survive a few days without serious risks to health.

(1) "GEO Latin America and the Caribbean Environment Outlook 2003, United Nations Program for Environment (UNEP), Costa Rica, October 2003.


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