Thursday, June 25, 2009

Best Laptop Camera Bag For Town Hike

Spray mosquito - Anti-mosquito Spray

Summer is here and with it the mosquitoes and to avoid the dreaded sting that better than a product prepared by ourselves mosquito natural products. I have many different recipes because I like experimenting and try different things, but this time I'll give you one of the easiest that I have as much @ s you complain that it cost you to find the ingredients.
most important thing in this recipe are essential oils that you can find at any health food store, herbalist, etc. Citronella is one of the most widely used essential oils as mosquito repellent, followed by lavender, tea tree, basil, geranium and lemongrass, so we could use any of these essential oils to prepare our insect repellent. In this recipe I'm going to use citronella, lavender and tea tree, but you can mix and match as you like citronella is included. As you know the essential oils are very concentrated and can not be used directly on the skin so you have to dilute, in this case can you prefer to use these three ingredients: alcohol diluted with water at 50% or vodka witch hazel. Using a combination of one of these three ingredients with essential oils we will do our spray repellent. Just have to mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and spray you have ready to use.

50 ml diluted alcohol / vodka / water
witch hazel 12 drops citronella
7 gotas a.e lavanda
3 gotas a.e árbol de té

Bueno y ahora a disfrutar del verano, muchos besos para tod@s .

The summer is here and with it the mosquitoes and to avoid the dreaded bites what best than to make your own anti-mosquito lotion with natural ingredients.
The recipe that I am going to give you is a very easy one , you just have to mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and it will be ready to use.
The main ingredients of the recipe are the essential oils, there are several essential oils widely used as mosquito repellents, citronella being the most used followed by lavender, tea tree oil, rose geranium, basil and lemongrass. In this recipe I am going to use citronella, lavender and tee tree oil, but you can mix and match your favourite ones as long as citronella is included. As you already know essential oils are very concentrated and cannot be used undiluted on the skin so we are going to use one of this ingredients as carriers, you can choose either rubbing alcohol diluted with water at 50%, or vodka or witch hazel. Whichever you chose you just have to pour it in a spray bottle with the essential oils and mix well.


50 ml alcohol (diluted)/vodka/ witch hazel
12 drops Citronella eo eo
7 drops 3 drops lavender eo
tea tree oil

Puede Also spray this on your bed sheets to keep the mosquitoes away.
Enjoy the summer!


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