Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Causes Someone To Shake A Baby

Soap Mint - Peppermint Soap

What these spirits? I know some @ s you are a little discouraged because you are starting to make soap and you will not go all the soaps as I like, well, chic @ s ... un poco de paciencia, tenéis que pensar que de los fallos es de donde más se aprende y además a nadie se le ocurriría pensar que puede convertirse en Arguiñano nada más aprender a cocinar ¿no? pues el jabón igual, para aprender a hacer un buen jabón y dominar las diferentes técnicas hay que hacer bastantes jabones, y meter la pata unas cuantas veces y ya después de muchos jabones convertirse en el mejor jaboner @ mundial, pero si tiras la toalla en cuanto un par de jabones no te salen como quieres entonces nunca aprenderás. Esto sirve para cualquier cosa en la vida no sólo para hacer jabón, el único que llega a donde quiere es el que nunca tira la toalla, pase what, whatever they say, do what others do .... Why only some people get what they want? because the vast majority abandon our dreams sooner or later, the first few changes, other after struggling a bit and others when tired after a long fight we give up, let us convince our mind that tells us we are not sufficiently good, smart enough, young enough, enough ..... blah, blah, blah .... it's a waste of time, you're not going anywhere, that perhaps others can but you do not, and a million excuses but we believe we unfortunately face value feet .
Who do you think is right, you who have an enormous enthusiasm for learning to make soap and create the best soap that is created on the face of the earth or your mind giving you excuses and buts constantly to take away the head is illusion? You, of course, for that you are in this world to create and be happy, forget all the doubts that assail you, just let yourself carry and create.
Well, then roll philosophical, I tell you that this peppermint soap is made with the same technique I used in the entry More soap flowers. Just have to make soap, (If you do not know how to view the entries How to make soap, Soap Making (2) , How to make soap (3) , How to make soap (4) , How to make soap (5 ) and How to make soap (6) , then separáis into three parts, two of them have to add green colors (green rust) and blue (ultramarine blue) and the other party is going to be the most I mix their soap with white (titanium dioxide). you pour the soap into the mold and then the blue white and green with a utensil type removéis stick, drawings etc knife making your favorite ones.
Well, just for today. Many kisses to all and hope to receive your comments telling me your sorrows and joys with soap.

Sorry, no time for translation Inglés, hope to do it later. I hope you enjoy my new soaps dog anyway.


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