Sunday, October 24, 2010

Auction Theme Basket Ideas

Feng Shui: Design-Space-Energy

For the harmonization

From East and the ancient Taoist philosophy we receive regulatory principles of the atmosphere of a space. The translation is "wind" and "water" and therefore constitutes a mystical and pragmatic discipline that links man with his environment. This philosophy, among other things, argues that a vital energy (chi) flowing in the universe and regulates the cycles, of which humans are a part.
According to the Chinese, a home chi and chi humans have much in common: both should flow smoothly. The energy of an atmosphere and environment affects its occupants. In some places we feel comfortable, happy, and others, anxious or depressed. Some sites give the impression of being radiant, luminous, expansive, other seem cold, daunting. All these characteristics determine the total energy of a home. The smooth flow of energy significantly improves the energy of their dwellers. This concept determines the energy of an office, a land or a house in general. The interactive presence of the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, the main characteristics of all matter and the colors under them: black, green, red, yellow and white, respectively, combined in creative or destructive cycle can consider the terms of a space or the potential it provides.
Much of intuition, a lot of creativity, a lot of vital stimulus to begin to connect with objects, textures, shapes and colors from the perspective of individual experience and our emotional states. A design technique and further harmonization of the environment, which is a tool when designing. Finally, seek harmonization inside-outside, good starting point for considering the environment as an organism that is urgently needed sustainability.
Beyond our beliefs and personal taste is very pleasing considering we're part of something larger and transcendent and the attempt to understand and perhaps communicate more aware each of our diversity, to connect with our inner states and consider the idea that in a search for harmonious development of the environment begin to synchronize with the Tao or vital energy that animates everything.

Architect Andrea Patricia Lopez


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