Sunday, April 19, 2009

100mm Wheels On Razor Pro?

Soap Marino - Sea Soap

the other day looking for some inspiration on the internet I saw a soap that I really liked and decided to make a soap and I also like the waves remind me so much love and this has been the result. It combines several techniques may apply when you soap on the one hand to different layers, which I explained in the entry SOAP A LAYER (click on the title to view) and other side of making drawings with soap in the top layer also explained in the entry MAS FLORES SOAP. The dye I used to do this soap is the same in all layers except that I mixed with soap white coloring to make black lighter ones and to get a darker shade.
The aroma of this soap is sea breeze .... mmmmmm .... perfect for those days on the beach.
If you just get to the blog and want to learn to make soap you can visit entries Soap Making, Soap Making (2) , How to make soap (3) , How to make soap (4) , How to make soap (5) y Cómo hacer jabón (6) pinchando sobre los títulos para acceder.

The other day looking for some inspiration I saw a soap that had entered a soap swirl contest which I really liked, so I decided to make my own version inspired as well on the sea waves which I like so much and here is the result. In this soap I have used both techniques, layers and also swirls. The colorant in all the layers is the same, only I have added white colorant to make the lighter ones and black colorant to make the darker ones.
The scent of this soap is Sea Breeze .... mmmmmmmm ... perfect for those days at the beach.


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